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How To Perfect A Blog Post From Titles To SEO

How To Perfect A Blog Post From Titles To SEO
How To Perfect A Blog Post From Titles To SEO

If you go on the internet to search “How long do cats live for?”, you will get a sea of blog posts come up. Now, like any average user, you will spend maximum, and we are really stretching here, five seconds to figure out which of the blogs will give you the best information you need. 

Now switch the roles. You are the writer who will be creating a blog post for these impatient readers. How do you nail it and how do you get the reader to click YOUR post only? 

It’s not just luck; it’s the art and science of perfecting every aspect – from attention-grabbing titles to SEO. So, if you’re ready to turn your blog into a reader magnet, stick around and you will find out! 

Firstly, What is a Blog Post? 

A blog post is a piece of content you find on a blog, which is basically a personal or informational website. Blogs cover all sorts of things – personal stories, advice, news, or just about anything someone wants to share. You can post about any topic on your blog, from tech tips to recipes and spooky ghost stories, as long as you find your audience. 

Readers can also jump in, leave comments, and share their thoughts, so it’s more interactive than you think. 

What Makes a Blog Post Good? 

A good blog post should be a Michelin star dish, with almost not room for improvement. So, what are the ingredients that make a blog post stand out?

  • Clear Subject: Your blog needs a main theme. It’s like telling your readers, “This is what we’re talking about here.” You can pick anything that you think you feel passionate about, cats, houses, computers, ANYTHING! 
  • Great Headline: The title is the first impression. It’s the book cover that always gets judged. 
  • Hook: Your readers are looking for something, and their attention span is shorter than a five year old. So you have to create a hook that is impossible to not read. 
  • Solution: Every good story has an ending, right? Your blog is the same. After introducing a problem, offer your take on it. Share your thoughts, experiences, or ideas. And then end it nicely. 

10 Expert Tips to Create the Perfect Blog Post 

Ever wished you could peek behind the curtain and discover the magic that transforms a blog post from good to downright phenomenal? Well, get ready because we’re about to spill the beans on how to write a blog post that will be simply irresistible to read! 

Come up with an Irresistible Blog Title

You’ve poured your heart into a stellar blog post, but here’s the catch – it’s all for nought if nobody clicks on it. The gateway to more eyeballs on your content? The blog title. It’s not just a label; it’s your invitation to the reader. Without an enticing title, your brilliant content might as well be invisible. Fear not, though; we’ve got the keys to creating a blog title that demands attention.

  • Keyword Inclusion for SEO Magic

It’s like the secret handshake of the digital world. Your title should contain the keyword you’re aiming to conquer in the SEO realm. Simple, right? For instance, this article is gunning for “blog titles,” so behold our title: “7 Blog Title Formulas That Get Clicks (With Examples).” Easy peasy.

  • Value, the Reader’s Currency

What’s in it for your reader? That’s the golden question. Your title should scream value, promising the reader something they desire. Our title, for instance, vows that your blog titles will be click-magnets if you heed our guidance. Value delivered.

  • A Dash of Uniqueness, Please

In a sea of titles, yours needs to stand out like a star in the night sky. Don’t be a copycat; offer a fresh perspective. Why should someone choose your article over the rest? That’s where your unique angle comes in. It’s the spice that makes your title pop on the search engine results page (SERP).

  • Mastering the Keyword Tango

Drop your chosen keyword strategically into your title. Not sure how? Peek at what the competition is doing. Let their titles be your muse. And if your keyword is a bit of a grammar headache, tweak it a bit. It’s all fair in the SEO game.

  • Delivering Value, One Click at a Time

Understand your readers’ desires. What do they want? How does your article make their dreams come true? That’s the value you promise in your title. In our case, it’s the allure of turning your blog titles into click magnets.

  • The Unique Twist that Grabs Attention

Don’t be a title cliché. Invest a bit of creativity. Ask yourself, does your title shine on the SERPs or drown in the sea of sameness? A unique angle is your ticket to standing out.

Choosing Your Blog’s Unique Flavor

So, you’re diving into the blogosphere, where a staggering 7 million posts surface daily. The catch? Your post needs to be a standout star, or it might just fade into digital obscurity, unread and undiscovered.

  • Dive into the unexpected. Uncover those “Aha!” moments that make readers go, “I never thought about it like that.”
  • Be the storyteller who flips the script. Challenge norms and make readers pause with a, “Wait, that’s not how I thought things worked!”
  • Drop a revelation bomb. Something so mind-blowing that readers exclaim, “No way! I would have never believed it.”
  • Paint with your words. Craft a narrative so beautiful that readers can’t help but say, “Beautiful. I couldn’t have said it better myself.”
  • Connect on a personal level. Share experiences and emotions that strike a chord, making readers say, “Yes! That’s exactly how I feel!”

Crafting Your Blog Post Roadmap

So, here’s the deal – creating awesome blog posts doesn’t happen by magic. Even the pros in the blogging world need a game plan to keep their thoughts in check. That’s where the outline steps in. It’s like your trusty guide, helping organise your thoughts and kicking writer’s block to the curb. With an outline, you’re not starting from scratch; you’re just filling in the “gaps.”

What’s even cooler? You don’t have to build the outline from the ground up. Spend some time online, and you’ll notice that most blog posts follow a similar structure.

Now, here’s the lowdown: there’s no one-size-fits-all format for every type of content. The shape of your content depends on what you’re talking about. If it’s a process, like outlining a blog post, a how-to format is your go-to.

But wait, there’s more! Different topics call for different structures. Here are seven powerful blog post formats and when to use them:

  • How-To Posts: When you need to teach a reader how to do something step by step.
  • List Posts: Share lots of great ideas in one place with a curated list.
  • “What Is” Posts: For when you need to answer a question or define a term quickly.
  • Case Study Posts: For comprehensive deep dives into a subject with thorough data analysis and linkable claims.
  • Survey Posts: For less comprehensive case studies using data you gathered from customers or the public.
  • X vs. Y Posts: When highlighting what makes your product or service better than a competitor’s.
  • Beginner’s Guide Posts: When introducing technical topics to a new audience with this kind of post.

Tease, Don’t Satisfy

Okay, let’s dive into a headline hack that might be slipping under your radar: the art of teasing not satisfying.

Imagine your headline is a charming mystery, not a detailed roadmap. It’s meant to grab attention and make readers curious, not serve up all the answers. If your headline spills everything, readers might think, “Got it!” and skip the good stuff in your blog post.


Picture this – you’re a money-savvy blogger, and you drop this headline:

How to Save for Retirement by Creating a Monthly Budget

Uh-oh. Readers might glance and think, “Budget equals retirement savings. Got it. Next!”

But what if you switch it up to something like:

How to Save for Retirement When You’re Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Now we’re talking! This headline intrigues anyone scraping by, facing a unique challenge. Nothing’s given away, and it promises a solution they’re itching to discover.

Make the Content String with Authority 

Once you’ve got the main ideas of your blog sorted out, it’s time to add some muscle to your points. How? Well, data is your sidekick here. Mixing solid data with your own insights isn’t just a power move; it’s like building a trust fortress.

Ever heard of E-E-A-T? It’s not some food delivery app but a Google thing. It stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness – the traits Google looks for in quality content. It might not directly affect your ranking, but it sure makes your content more Google-friendly.

Throwing in your own data doesn’t just make you look good; it also makes your blog more trustworthy to both readers and search engines. The internet is a treasure trove of data, so don’t stop at your initial findings. Dig a bit deeper and explore sites like .gov, .org, .edu, and places like Statista for some data gold.

To keep things organised, use bullet points with links during your outline phase. When you start writing, you’ll know exactly where your facts fit. It’s like having a roadmap that leads both you and your readers to the heart of your post. 

Make a Grand Entrance 

Alright, let’s talk about making a grand entrance for your blog post. Picture this: your opening is like the red carpet for your readers. Nail it, and half the battle is won. If it falls flat, well, you might lose your audience before the real show begins.

Here’s a tip: some writers find it easier to cook up the main dish first (the body of the post) and save the appetiser (the intro) for last.

Now, for a killer intro, think of it like a conversation starter. Pose a question that hits close to home for your readers, something that makes them nod and say, “Hey, that’s me!” Then, promise them that your post is the answer they’ve been searching for.

Don’t Forget the On-Page SEO

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the secret that makes your blog post stand out in the digital sea. It’s the light that guides search engines like Google to recognise, understand, and, ultimately, rank your content. 

  • Title Tag Charm: Your title tag is like the red carpet for your target keyword. Show it off there so both searchers and Google know your blog is the VIP result.
  • Meta Description Flair: Think of your meta description as your blog’s dating profile. It should be so compelling that people can’t resist clicking.
  • URL Sweetness: Keep those URLs short and sweet. A neat URL (like domain.com/blog/weight-loss-tips/) tells searchers exactly what your blog is dishing out.
  • H1 Tag Star Power: Let your target keyword take the lead in the H1 tag – it’s like the rockstar welcoming Google to the show.
  • Keyword Harmony: Sprinkle your target keywords naturally throughout the body. Be the subtle maestro, not the keyword drumbeat.
  • Internal Link Connection: Be a gracious host and guide users and Google to more cool stuff on your website. It’s like throwing a fantastic after-party.
  • Alt Text Brilliance: Even your images want a slice of the SEO pie. Add alt text so Google can rank them like superstars in Google images.

Big Block of Texts are Illegal 

Ever found yourself scrolling through a blog post at warp speed? You’re not alone. Most of us don’t want to read through huge blockers of words in a blog, we are only looking for that specific solution or information. That’s why the magic lies in making your blog post an easy-to-scan document: 

Here’s your formula for scannability success:

Subheadings Are Your Allies: Break down your content into clear sections with subheadings. Not only do they guide your readers, but they also keep you on the writing highway without veering off.

Short Sentences for the Win: Keep it concise. Short sentences are the superheroes of readability. They punch through the complexity and deliver information with a bang.

Paragraphs – Short and Sweet: Long paragraphs are the marathon, and short paragraphs are the sprint. Opt for 2-4 sentences in most paragraphs. Toss in a 1-sentence paragraph for that extra visual pop.

Bullet Points: The MVPs: When listing key points, let bullet points steal the spotlight. They organise information neatly, offering a quick and easy-to-follow snapshot.

Go back to it Again and Again. 

Imagine this: the real magic of crafting a blog post isn’t in the writing itself but in the enchanting art of editing. It’s where your words truly come to life—shaping, refining, and transforming. After your initial draft, resist the editing urge for a day or two. Why? Because distance brings fresh eyes, offering a clearer perspective.

Now, let’s dive into the editing tools:

  • Meet Grammarly: Your trusty sidekick for spotting and fixing grammar hiccups.
  • Speak Your Words: Read your draft aloud to catch any awkward dance of words.
  • Shorten Those Sentences: Break down long sentences for a snappier and more digestible read.
  • Style with Formatting: Sprinkle in visual elements like images, GIFs, bullets, or italics for that extra flair.
  • Craft a Smooth Flow: Infuse transitions and cliffhangers, creating a rhythm that keeps your readers hooked.

Pay extra attention to your introduction—it’s the litmus test in keeping your reader stuck around till the end. After editing yourselves, send it over for a second opinion. A friend or colleague will do just fine. Why? Fresh eyes catch what you might miss—a logic hiccup here, a flow glitch there.

Upload and Promote 

It’s showtime! Your blog post is polished, refined, and ready for the world. Here’s the grand finale:

Upload and Launch:

If you’re using WordPress, consider the one-click magic of Wordable for seamless Google Docs to WordPress uploading.

Give your post one last loving look to ensure it’s in its prime.

Now, take a deep breath and hit that glorious “Publish” button!

The Promotion Extravaganza:

Share it with your existing circle—friends, family, colleagues, and your social media gang. They’re your early cheerleaders.

As you grow, start cultivating your audience (think email lists) and share your triumphs with them.

Spread the Word Like Wildfire:

Extend gratitude to those you’ve cited or linked to by dropping them a friendly email. 

Seek out relevant communities—Facebook groups, Slack channels, Discord, Reddit, and forums. Share your wisdom, but remember, no spamming is allowed!

Wrapping Up 

Whew! You’ve just aced the Blogging 101 course, covering everything from snappy titles to SEO secrets. Take a moment to pat yourself on the back – you’ve earned it!

Remember, this blogging journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep honing your skills, experimenting with new tricks, and, most importantly, enjoy the writing process. Your blog is your digital canvas, so keep painting those words with passion.

Now, it’s time to unleash your masterpiece! Hit that “Publish” button, share your wisdom with the world, and let your blog shine bright. Happy blogging, and may your words continue to inspire! 

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