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Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Build Effective Strategies

Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Build Effective Strategies
Word-of-Mouth Marketing_ Build Effective Strategies

This shampoo is amazing. Try it out.’ Similar promising statements pass off as word-of-mouth marketing. Brands request customers to paint them positively through reviews so their products and services attract more people. However, effective strategies are required to reach the sales targets. 

Word-of-Mouth Marketing: The Decision Influencer 

Mouth advertising or word-of-mouth marketing is a game changer for brands as customers’ constructive feedback influences the decisions of other people who have still not tried the brand. According to LXAHub, 74% of consumers use word-of-mouth marketing as a primary influencer in purchasing decisions. Yes! Truth has been spoken, and nobody can deny the facts. Consumers tend to buy products when a reliable person has asked them to use them, and the persona of that person would be such that their recommendations may never go wrong. Hence, the trust increases. 

For Example, A guy will buy sports joggers on the personal recommendation of a friend who has a selective choice. I think that if he is saying that, then the joggers must be very comfortable. 

The word-of-mouth marketing is seen on social media platforms when customers express their happiness after using the product and an online influencer endorses the service.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing: The Types 

Do you have a marketing campaign coming up? Is your boss pressuring you and your team to do better? Did your previous campaign fail miserably in the market? Word-of-mouth can save your back this time with its four variants. 

Buzz Marketing

Is your company cooking the recipe for something new? How many days are left until the official launch date? Consume that time in doing buzz marketing. Yes, Buzz Marketing. Trigger people’s curiosity by releasing short teasers and promos. Some ideas can help you in tackling it. 

Work on waiting list 

If the product launch has time, start working on a waiting list. Shots have been fired. Let people get to the top by sharing the link on social media, which is an instant booster. Email their friends. X users may like the tweet about the product launch. 

Maintain the mystery element 

Maintaining the mystery element is one of the most exciting parts of the marketing journey. The teams post teasers and promos regarding the about-to-be-launched product without letting the cat out of the bag. This tactic piques the interest in people, becoming curious about what is hitting the market. 

For instance, when it began publishing teasers, Gymshark made its fans curious about the upcoming Black Friday Sale. The audience’s reaction was what the brand wanted. 

Sketch out a PR stunt 

All brands sketch out a PR stunt to get more and more people discussing their actions. You just have to know how to play with the consumer’s mind and see how your activity creates a stir in the town, grabbing the attention of the media, too. It’s a good sign when the local and national channels discuss you, as the brand’s stunt will remain in the headlines for the next few days. 

One such stunt was carried out by Running Store Distance, where they motivated the people to run faster than the average speed of Paris’ new speed capacity. The foundation of the ad campaign was created as the retailer used the screen images. 

Buzz marketing’s basic goal is to reach people through mediums where they are most active. The campaign has to be seen and heard. So, draw a plan. Find where your target audience spends maximum time, and hurray you are everywhere. 

Content Marketing 

‘’Content is King’’. Who will disagree with the quote? We bet no one. Content acts like a bridge that connects the audiences with the brand. It’s a must to have strong content as that only pulls the eyeballs and compels them to share ahead. 

Content exists in the shape of blogs, videos, podcasts, infographics, imagery and slideshows. 

Brands don’t pay much attention to making the content entertaining and then wonder why the campaign did not make it up to their company’s expectations. Time for a reality check. Content can be dry and dull, but it’s the marketer’s job to polish it in a catchy way that the readers find it hard to ignore and place the arrow on the share button. Place yourself in the consumer’s position and now think. Which type of content do you prefer sharing it ahead on social media accounts? Interesting ones, right? Work hard to make your content appealing so your reader regrets losing focus. 

Some ideas that can do justice to your content are as follows:

Interview people 

Search for people who have had tough lives full of stories. You can use their life events in interviews or write case studies. Real-life events tend to grab more attention. 

Select provocative topics 

Select provocative topics and ask questions based on them. Motivate people to share their experiences, advice, opinions, and suggestions. 

Inspire by thought process

Every person’s way of thinking differs from one another. It is very much possible that some have an intellectual perspective that others miss out on. Become an inspirational source for others. People can share their valuable input. They can talk about it. 

Share guides 

Impress your audience by being their go-to resource channel. Your brand’s name should click their minds when they require guides, tutorials, and insights on various topics. This strategy will help you secure a good position in the market, as whenever they need help, your name will instantly appear on their fingertips. Sounds nice, right?

Your content should have a strong standing and be competent enough that even your rivals envy your team, and you face no problem in winning more people’s hearts. The better the content, the greater the chances of it getting shared and doing rounds on social media platforms. 

Referral Marketing 

Have you heard of referral marketing? If not, then the blog is there to teach you. Referral marketing looks similar to hiring a dedicated team who works to boost your sales without costing you an arm or leg. The resource is beneficial but does not work on luck. It requires a serious approach to get the desired results. 

You must be thinking about how referral marketing works. Well, the approach requires three steps that assist your brand in getting constant referrals to keep your brand shining in the market:

Collaborate with affiliate marketers 

Collaborate with affiliate marketers. They can have one, two or multiple ones. The mission is to sign contracts with them in the industry to help you promote your products through articles, blog posts, videos, social media accounts, and eBooks. It will be a two-way procedure, so send them gifts or a part of every sale you make because of their resources. 

Incentive based agreements

The brand can initiate a referral program and set the incentive for their old customers that if they refer your product or service to their friends, they may get a discount of a specific percentage on the new client’s first order. Another way can be to give a commission on every referral. 

Loyal customers are brand advocates 

Apart from the above-mentioned ideas, don’t forget your loyal customers, who have supported your brand since day one. They can be your excellent brand advocates. Get their reviews, testimonials, and ratings published on the brand’s social media profiles, website, and search engine. Their word-of-mouth marketing will matter a lot as the new customers, who previously might have considered you average and not worth investing, can come forward and purchase your products and services. Sounds effective, right? 

If the brand has already started walking on the referral marketing, notice how they enter. That will give you an idea of which referral works best in your case. 

Social Media Marketing: Every Marketers Preferred Approach 

No marketer can and should ignore the power of marketing their campaigns on social media. Brands have social media teams to do the honours of publishing content according to the calendar. 

Social media’s horizon is huge and includes multiple platforms where marketers find their audience and compel them to engage with the posts. Remember that your product or services will not be necessary to appeal to everyone online, but yes, the brand’s inbox might get flooded with queries from interested people. A win-win situation will be there. 

The next step involves how to encourage people to give their share or mouth advertising:

Post regularly to engage followers 

A terrible mistake brands make is not posting content as often as they should. You have to be active on social media so your followers don’t forget that you were part of their lifestyle at some point. 

If the social media team is heavily occupied, hire someone to manage your content calendar, which will be excellent as that person can draft and post content. The teams can further engage with the followers, leaving an impression that the brand cares about the people. The brand’s alertness increases the demands of the customers, who want to see more of you. Conduct online activities, interact with them through quizzes, plan giveaways for them and include your new products as a free sample, respond to their problems, note down their suggestions regarding room for improvement and take their names on live sessions. These tactics will make them wait for your next batch of competitions as you just convinced them that they are valuable to you. Yippee!

Establish relationships 

Your brand can never reach high or secure the top position in the market until and unless you establish stable and healthy relationships with them. Establishing a good relationship is essential for your brand’s growth. How? Because it shows that you care about your customers and are not focused on just selling your products and services to them. 

Schedule live sessions on Facebook Live, Instagram Live, and YouTube. Expand your connectivity and interact with them on Twitter, Linkedin videos, and Instagram stories. The marketing strategies will aid you in a face-to-face discussion, which you must not have thought of doing so. Strengthening the bond between the brand and your audiences. Guess what? The events can be saved so that the people who missed out on the live sessions can see what the brand discussed that eventually gets shared ahead. Therefore no regrets on either side. 

Join hands with influencers 

Joining hands with influencers has become increasingly crucial for the brand to strike the marketing pins. The magic of influencer marketing is that brands have hired some of them permanently to endorse and promote their products and services, and the results are spectacular. 

Getting influencers on board means that they will use your products and services and share them with their followers. Their followers will view their stories and posts and tap on the mentioned brand’s name, which will be you. The idea looks productive, but to be successful in the battle, the brand has to be on good terms with the influencers, as that affects the situation. In the past, if there was trouble, contact another influencer, as that specific one might harm your reputation in the market. That you definitely can’t afford and like. Will you?

Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Reasons Of Importance 

Word-of-mouth marketing plays a vital role in the dimensions of marketing. How? If your brand has successfully made your customers happy for quite a  long time, their satisfaction assists you in getting loaded with positive reviews. 

On the other hand, if you have done the opposite, you have invited yourself to land in hot waters. The customers will never vouch for you and discourage others from using your products. If a few of them are happy, you can expect a good war on social media between your small chunk of supporters and angry clients. 

Let’s move the mouth advertising car ahead and talk about its advantages:

Revenue Increases

The primary dream of every marketer is watching their brand’s revenue increase. Word-of-mouth marketing does the same. Suppose you are in the customer’s place and see how your favourite brands hold you in making frequent purchases through their outlet only. You don’t even consider experimenting with another brand as you are glued to your ideal one. This displays that, as a customer, you are happy with the experience. A contented experience opens the gates to positive reviews, and you need not worry as the client will write nice words for your brand about how the service was and how the representatives assisted them when they got stuck in between. The happier the customer, the better the chances of generating maximum revenue. 

Constructing Effective Marketing Strategies 

Marketers should read this section carefully as it explains how to construct effective marketing strategies to enhance word-of-mouth advertising. 

The Product Must Be A Problem Solver 

Why do people buy shampoos? Maybe they are facing dandruff or hair fall and looking for solutions to curb the problem. Brands should launch products that stand out as problem solvers and not increasers. 

Provide a service and product that is worth boasting about. It should fulfil whatever it claims to solve. People remember traumatic experiences given by other brands and begin to judge yours too, that it will turn out to be the same. Your brand knows the case is different and better, but you must convince the customer. 

Is your brand easy to use? Will it make any sort of difference in the lives of the consumer? Is the brand good enough that the customer will use it multiple times? Will the customer recommend ahead to their social circle? Ask your customers for suggestions to fill in the gaps if they find anything wrong. 

Flawless customer service

With so many brand representatives around, no one could help the customer. You just lost marks in front of the new customer. A flawless customer service is critical in making that customer a brand advocate. 

Naturally, they will purchase, and then only your sales will rise and targets be achieved. Not satisfying them is a good blunder that you should avoid at all times. This counts in their review, which will spread like fire that the brand failed to provide impeccable services. They kept asking for products, but one assisted them. Or the customer wanted to get the product exchanged, but everyone was distracted.  What will happen? You are just giving your competitors an opportunity to attract your customers as they know the art of treating the clients lavishly. Gradually, you will lose your sales and brand image based on pathetic customer service. Do you want that to happen? No right? 

Easy Shopping 

Easy shopping converts a first-time visitor into a customer faster than ever. If your brand doesn’t have a physical appearance and is present in an online manner. Then make sure your website is visually appealing, the loading speed of the page is not time-consuming, the design of the shopping cart and how many steps are involved in the shopping journey, the products are easy to find, and is SEO cooperating with you?   

Check your website, fix the bugs, and clean the cutter if it’s causing the turtle speed. 


Word-of-mouth advertising is really helpful. The brand must plan out effective strategies to survive well in the market. The blog has provided sufficient suggestions and tips for your campaigns. Overlooking the approaches will leave you behind in the race and see your rivals prosper in the market. 

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