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How to Do Keyword Research for SEO + Long Tail Keywords

How to Do Keyword Research for SEO + Long Tail Keywords
How To Do Keyword Research For SEO Long Tail Keywords

Keywords serve as the bedrock of SEO. If people aren’t searching for the topics you’re covering, your efforts in Google won’t yield much traffic, regardless of how much you invest.

This is why becoming skilled in the craft of keyword research is crucial for your SEO success. The consequences of making an error in this process can be significant. Selecting the correct keywords may lead to a considerable use of your precious time and resources.

Let’s get into the details to learn more about keyword research for SEO and long tail keywords and how you can do it. 

Keyword Research Importance- Why Businesses Need It

Why does keyword research matter? Well, it’s like having a secret map of what your target audience is seeking on Google. Knowing which keywords to focus on is like having a treasure map of their interests.

This precious insight not only shapes your content strategy but also guides your overall marketing game plan. You’re meeting people where they are in their online research journey.

People rely on keywords to uncover solutions during their online searches. So, if your content pops up when they search, you’re in for a traffic boost. In essence, you’re tailoring your content to what folks are eager to find – that’s the name of the game.

Plus, in the inbound methodology, it’s about something other than what we want to preach; it’s about giving people what they crave. In simpler terms, your audience is coming to you, and you want to make sure they find what they’re looking for.

How does Keyword Research Benefit SEO

How To Do Keyword Research For SEO Long Tail Keywords
  • Get More Visitors

When you pick the right keywords for your content, you make it easier for folks to find your website through search engines. Think of it as rolling out the welcome mat for potential visitors.

  • Climb the Search Ladder

Choosing the right keywords can help your content climb up the search engine results ladder. The higher up you are, the more likely people are to notice and click on your content.

  • Understand What People Want

Keyword research is like peeking into people’s minds. It helps you figure out what they’re looking for when they type in those search queries. And by giving them what they want, you’re more likely to make them happy.

  • Stay Relevant

Making sure your content matches what users are searching for is super important. It’s like being the life of the party – if you’re not interesting to the guests (your audience), the party’s no fun!

  • Stay Ahead of the Pack

By studying keywords, you can find opportunities that your competition might need to include. It’s like discovering a secret treasure in your niche.

  • Plan Your Content Strategy

Think of keyword research as the roadmap for your content journey. It helps you figure out what topics are trending and in demand so you can create content that people are eager to read.

  • Boost Your Marketing Bucks

By targeting the right keywords, you can get more highlights for your marketing bucks. You’re more likely to attract potential customers who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

Elements of Keyword Research

Stay in Tune with What People Want

 Relevance is all about staying in tune with what people are searching for. When you create content that matches what users need, you’re more likely to make their day.


Google likes websites with authority, and that means being an authority in your field. You can build your authority by sharing top-notch, helpful content and getting folks to give it a thumbs up or link to it. It’s like being the go-to expert at a party.

Think Popularity and Balance

Volume is like knowing how popular a keyword is. If a keyword is super popular, it could bring in lots of visitors, but it might take a lot of work to compete. If it’s less popular, you might have an easier time ranking for it, but it will bring in fewer people. So, it’s like choosing a location for your shop – you want enough foot traffic, but not in a ghost town.

Keyword research is the key to making your website more discoverable and appealing to your audience. It’s like understanding what your guests at the party want and making sure you’re the life of the SEO party!

How to Do Keyword Searching for SEO

As mentioned above, keywords serve as the SEO cornerstone. If nobody’s on the hunt for what you’re dishing out, even Google won’t send a welcoming crowd your way, no matter how hard you hustle.

That’s why becoming a keyword whiz is a big deal when it comes to nailing SEO. The price of goofing up is just too steep. Choose the wrong keywords, and you’re risking a whole lot of time and effort down the drain.

Now, there is no need to break a sweat; keyword research is a manageable mystery. In fact, we’re about to give you the lowdown in just about 20 minutes. But, like any adventure, there are a few essential points and common slip-ups you should know about to navigate the SEO world more wisely.

Brainstorm “Seed” Keyword

Let’s get those creative juices flowing for some “seed” keywords. These little gems kickstart your keyword research journey, defining your niche and helping you scope out the competition. They’re like the magic words that open the door to a treasure trove of keyword ideas (more on that soon).

If you’re already in the business game and eager to make a digital splash, coming up with seed keywords is a breeze. Just ponder what folks type into Google to discover your offerings. For instance, if you’re all about coffee and coffee-making gear, your seed keywords could be as simple as:

  • Coffee
  • Cappuccino
  • French press
  • Espressos …and so on

Now, the seed keywords themselves might not be the stars of your website pages. As the name implies, they’re more like the starting point for the next steps in this journey. So, no need to lose sleep over them – it should only take a few minutes to nail them down. Once you’ve got a handful of broad concepts related to your website’s focus, it’s time to move forward.

Peek at what keywords are rocking the world of your competition. Taking a sneak peek at the keywords that are already steering traffic to your competitors is a nifty way to turbocharge your keyword research. But first, you need to uncover who your competitors are. This is where your brainstormed keyword list comes into play. Just toss one of your seed keywords into Google and see who’s shining on the front page.

If none of the top-ranking websites for your seed keywords quite match what you’re all about (or where you want to be), it’s time to hunt for something a tad more specific. For instance, if your website is all about selling coffee-making equipment, you might find your true rivals in the search results for “cappuccino maker” instead of just “cappuccino.” That’s because the former often brings up e-commerce stores like yours, while the latter tends to show more blog results.

Look for the Keywords Your Rivals are Looking For 

Let’s take a peek into your competitors’ keyword treasure chest – it’s like turbocharging your keyword research, and it’s pretty straightforward. First things first, you need to figure out who these competitors are. 

That’s where your brainstormed list of keywords comes into play. Just fire up Google and type in one of your seed keywords, and you’ll see who’s strutting their stuff on the front page.

Now, here’s the fun part. If the top-ranking websites for your seed keywords don’t quite match your vibe (or where you want to be), it’s time to get more specific. Let’s say you’re in the business of selling coffee-making gear on your website. 

Well, in the search results for “cappuccino maker” rather than just “cappuccino,” you might spot some competitors that are more aligned with what you’re all about. Why? Because the former typically showcases e-commerce stores like yours, while the latter leans towards blogs.

Harness Keyword Research Tools

Competitors can offer useful insights, but there are likely many untapped keywords they still need to explore. Here’s where keyword research tools come in handy. These tools take your seed keywords and generate a list of related ideas.

One of the most well-known tools is Google Keyword Planner (GKP). It’s free to use and can help you find keywords for SEO. Importantly, it can suggest keywords that don’t explicitly contain your seed keyword, which can be a goldmine for discovering hidden gems.

Dive into Your Niche

All the methods we’ve discussed can provide you with a wealth of keyword ideas, but they can also keep you somewhat confined. To break out of this box, dive into places where your target audience congregates – online forums, groups, Q&A sites, and more. Pay attention to their conversations, questions, and interests. This can uncover unique keyword opportunities.

For example, a simple search in Keywords Explorer revealed the query “Aeropress coffee to water ratio.” It may not have a high search volume, but the fact that it garnered 42 upvotes on Reddit indicates genuine interest. The content of that Reddit thread can be a valuable foundation for your future content.

Consider Search Volume

Search volume is crucial. It tells you how often a keyword is searched each month. However, there are a few key things to remember about this metric:

  • Search volume represents the total number of searches, not the number of people. A single person can search for a keyword multiple times, contributing to its volume.
  • Even if you rank #1 for a keyword, don’t expect all the traffic – typically, it won’t exceed 30% of the search volume.
  • Search volume is an annual average. If a keyword gets 120,000 searches in December and none for the remaining months, its reported monthly volume will be 10,000 (120,000 divided by 12 months).

Traffic Potential

When people search online, they might use various phrases to find what they want. Google, being a smart tool, knows this and often directs them to the same page, even if they word their search differently. In our earlier research, we found that top-ranking pages often appeared for about a thousand similar keywords. 

So, it’s more complex than relying solely on the search volume of a single keyword to predict your page’s traffic potential. Instead, you should analyze the top-ranking pages for that keyword and see how much total search traffic they receive from all its variations.

Prioritize Keywords

Absolutely, when you’re on the keyword research adventure, there are a few key factors to weigh in the balance. It’s like being a judge at a culinary competition, deciding which dish takes the top prize. Let’s break it down:

  • Estimated Traffic Potential: This is like sizing up the potential audience for a stage performance. You want to know how many people are likely to attend. 
  • Competition Toghness: Think of this like a sports match. Who’s in the ring, ready to duke it out for that top spot? High competition means there’s a crowded field.
  • Effort Required: It’s akin to calculating the ingredients and preparation time for a recipe. Some keywords are a piece of cake (pun intended), while others might require hours in the kitchen. 
  • Business Value: Ah, the grand finale, the cherry on top! This is like figuring out what that culinary masterpiece means for your restaurant’s reputation. 

Long-Tail Keywords- An Overview

Absolutely, long-tail keywords are like those hidden gems in the vast landscape of online searches. They might not be the rock stars of the search world, but they definitely play a crucial supporting role. It’s like they’re the unsung heroes behind the scenes, quietly driving relevant traffic to websites.

Think of it this way: head terms are like the big city, bustling with people and general activity. You know, everyone wants coffee filters, but that’s just scratching the surface. Long-tail keywords are more like a charming, cozy neighborhood café that serves niche interests.

For instance, someone searching for “coffee filters” might just be browsing, but someone typing in “homemade coffee filters” is practically wearing an apron and ready to brew something special. They’re not window shopping; they want to DIY their coffee game. It’s all about intent, my friend!

Or take “iced coffee.” Sure, it’s a popular term, but “can you warm up iced coffee” is a whole different story. That searcher isn’t just looking for a quick answer; they’re probably sipping on cold coffee right now, wondering if it’s worth reheating. These long-tail queries show real-life situations and dilemmas.

Now, “marketing agency” and “marketing software” are like the Billboard Top 40 of the digital marketing world. But when you dive into “marketing agency for SaaS” or “enterprise marketing software,” you’re in the VIP section. These long-tail keywords are the VIP passes to attracting an audience that knows exactly what they’re after; no time for window shopping here!

Long-tail keywords are the secret handshake between your content and the people who are ready to roll up their sleeves and engage with your brand. So, take their power seriously. They might not shoot from the mountaintops, but they certainly whisper in the right ears, and that can make all the difference.

How to Find Long-Tail Keywords

Let’s explore some practical methods for discovering those elusive long-tail keywords that can work wonders for your website’s SEO.

Utilize the Keyword Magic Tool

Ah, the Keyword Magic Tool, a true hero in the quest for long-tail keywords! Think of it as your trusty treasure map in the world of SEO. Let me break down how this gem works in plain language.

So, picture your “seed keyword” as the starting point, like the “X” on a treasure map. It’s a simple phrase or a single word closely related to your business – your launchpad. Throw that into the Keyword Magic Tool, and voila, it starts churning out a bunch of keyword variations for you. It’s like a word wizard doing some magical brainstorming.

Here’s the deal: the initial list it gives you might include some keywords with high search volumes and ranking difficulty. Those aren’t the long-tail gems we’re after. To filter out the long-tail treasures from the crowd, you can be a keyword detective.

Just hit up the filter option, look for “KD” (that’s keyword difficulty, by the way), and choose “Easy” from the drop-down menu.  And there you have it; the Keyword Magic Tool becomes your personal keyword genie, granting your wish for those precious, specific, and easier-to-rank long-tail keywords. It’s like finding the secret passages in the SEO maze to reach your audience without getting lost in the keyword wilderness. 

Do a Keyword Gap Analysis

Here’s a clever approach to finding long-tail keywords that your competitors are targeting and you’re not. This can be a goldmine for expanding your keyword portfolio. 

Follow these steps:

  • Use the Keyword Gap tool. 
  • Add your domain and up to four competitors, then click “Compare.”

The tool will reveal the keywords that your competitors are ranking for. You’ll see the ranking position, search volume, and keyword difficulty for each.

Initially, you might spot some broad and highly popular keywords. To isolate the specific long-tail gems, apply filters:

  • Filter by search volume to focus on keywords with lower search volume.
  • Filter by KD to highlight keywords with low keyword difficulty.
  • Filter by position to single out keywords where your competitors rank within the top 20 positions.

These filters help you pinpoint less competitive long-tail keywords, aligning perfectly with your SEO objectives.

Leverage Different Forum Sites

The world of online forums and message boards is a treasure trove of those elusive long-tail keywords! It’s like venturing into a gold mine with a digital pickaxe. Here is how you can strike SEO gold:

First, choose your favorite forum site, like the trusty Quora. It’s the playground of curious minds, and that’s where the magic happens. Now, grab that web address and toss it into Semrush’s Organic Research tool. Click “Search” and watch the magic unfold.

Next, saunter on over to the “Positions” tab. It’s like opening up a chest of keywords, and in Quora’s case, it’s a whopping 37 million of them! But wait, not all of them are gems for your business. This is where the art of keyword sifting comes into play.

Imagine you’re panning for gold in a river. If you’re in the finance game, you want to avoid picking up just any old pebble. So, let’s refine our search. Click on “Advanced filters” – it’s like your fine sieve – and type in “finance.” Hit that “Apply” button like you’re sealing the deal on a golden contract.

And there you have it, my friend! You’re left with a list that’s worth its weight in gold. These keywords are like custom-tailored suits for your niche. They fit like a glove, and they’re ready to boost your SEO strategy. So, go forth and mine those forms for the digital nuggets that’ll make your website shine!

Summing Up

Keyword research is your guiding star in the dynamic SEO world. It’s your ticket to SEO success by unearthing primary and long-tail gems that resonate with your audience. Jump into the world of keywords, uncover your niche’s secrets, and create content that truly connects with your readers. Start your keyword adventure, and let the SEO enchantment begin!

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