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2023 Facebook Algorithm Advertising Guide

2023 Facebook Algorithm Advertising Guide
Facebook Algorithm Advertising Guide

Buckle up because we’re diving headfirst into the wild world of Facebook in 2023 with our ultimate, no-nonsense guide to the “2023 Facebook Algorithm + Advertising.”

You see, Facebook is like that ever-changing maze we all need to navigate to get our posts seen, our brands recognized, and our messages heard. And guess what? In 2023, Facebook’s got some fresh tricks up its digital sleeves.

So, what’s the buzz? It’s all about the Facebook Algorithm, the magical code that decides what shows up on your feed and what gets buried in the digital abyss. It’s like the DJ of your digital party, picking the tunes that’ll get your feet tapping.

But we’re not stopping there. Oh no! We’ll also spill the beans on the advertising game. You’ll learn how to turn the algorithm to your advantage and make sure your ads land right where they’ll pack the most punch.

So, if you’re looking to rock your Facebook game, boost your posts, and make a splash in the world of online advertising, stick around. We’re about to drop some knowledge bombs and help you master the 2023 Facebook Algorithm and ace the advertising game! 

So, What’s The Deal With The 2023 Facebook Algorithm, You Ask?

Well, it’s like this secret set of rules that Facebook uses to figure out what stuff to show you when you’re scrolling through your feed. They call it “personalized ranking.” Fancy, right?

Basically, this algorithm looks at every post, ad, Story, and Reel and gives ’em a score. Then, it lines ’em up in order of what it thinks you’ll find most interesting. It’s like your personal content DJ, playing the hits just for you.

And here’s the kicker – this magic happens every time you hit refresh on your feed. Facebook’s on a mission to make sure you see the stuff they reckon you’ll dig the most, whether it’s in your feed, Search, Marketplace, Groups, or Watch.

How Does The Facebook Algorithm Work?

Meta, the folks pulling the strings behind Facebook, have a crew of tech wizards working their magic on AI and machine learning. Their gig? Make sure the Facebook algorithm is like your personal Yoda, serving up content you’ll be jazzed about.

Over time, they’ve been fiddling with the knobs, adding, ditching, and fine-tuning the signals that make this algorithm tick.

Fast forward to 2023, and the Facebook algorithm is like your trusty wingman, helping you find content that’s your jam. It’s all about these three key signals:

  • Who’s in the Driver’s Seat: You’ll see more from the folks you’re chit-chatting with, whether they’re your BFFs or the cool cats from your favorite businesses.
  • What’s Cookin’: If you’re all about vids, you’ll be swimming in a sea of videos. Dig photos? You’ll have ’em in spades. It’s like having your pick from a smorgasbord of delights.
  • Popularity Rumble: Posts that get all the high-fives – likes, comments, and shares, especially from your squad – get top billing.

So, these signals are like the DJ at your personal party, spinning the tunes you groove to. But hang on, there’s more to it than meets the eye!

You can give the algorithm a friendly nudge with a few nifty tricks:

  • Favorites: Handpick up to 30 of your ride-or-die peeps and pages. Their posts will be your headliners, like the VIP section at the hottest club.
  • In-Feed Wizardry: Click on a post, and you’ll see options that are like your secret handshake with the algorithm. Hide it, take a chill pill from that user, or slide ’em into your favorites. It’s like sharing a little inside info about what makes you tick.

And, when an ad isn’t your cup of tea, you can show it the exit door too. Facebook’s all ears, wanting to know why. They’re on a mission to show you ads that fit like a glove and ditch the ones that just don’t jive.

Oh, and here’s a tip – Facebook’s not down with content that’s playing fast and loose with the rules. Anything that’s crossing the line, like being plain nasty or spreading fibs, gets the boot.

To sum it all up, follow the golden rule when you’re in Facebook-town: No mean words, no hate speech (that includes all the ugly stuff like sexism, homophobia, and racism), don’t dip your toes into harmful stereotypes, and steer clear of slurs. Just be a stand-up human, and you’re good to go!

The Four Secret Sauces of the Facebook Feed Algorithm

First off, Facebook has always been about showing you stuff that floats your boat. Adam Mosseri, the bigwig behind Facebook’s News Feed, wants to “show stories that matter to users.” So, whether it’s giving you more control or personalizing your ads, it’s all about keeping you in your happy place.

Here’s how these four ingredients come into play:

  • Inventory: Think of this as a treasure chest of content that Facebook can lay on you. It changes as you scroll and includes your buddies’ posts and stuff from other peeps.
  • Signals: This is where you come into play. What’s in your content, who made it, how old it is, what it’s for, and more – all have a say. You want your content to scream at Facebook, “Hey, this is cool and meant for my gang!”
  • Predictions: This is where Facebook takes a wild guess about what floats your boat. Will you watch a video ’til the end? Will you hit that “Show More” button on a post? They look at real-deal engagement like comments, likes, and shares from actual humans.

Relevancy Score: This is like the final report card Facebook gives a piece of content. It’s all about how likely you are to give it a thumbs-up. They also sniff out if a post is just trying to trick you into clicking, if it links to a dodgy site, or if it’s peddling fake news.

There you have it, the Facebook algorithm, keeping you entertained and in the know in 2023! 

The 2023 Facebook Reels Algorithm: Unlocking the Secrets

So Facebook Reels are kinda fresh, and we don’t have all the deets on their algorithm like we do for the regular feed. But fear not, we’ve got some handy tips to help your Reels get more love from the algorithm.

The big idea here is to serve up some top-notch content. But what’s the lowdown on that? Here’s the scoop, straight from the horse’s mouth:

  • Keep it Fun and Get People Hooked: Be a real entertainer and keep ’em glued to the screen.
  • Be a Trendsetter: Start a trend, be a trailblazer!
  • Use the Cool Tools: Don’t forget to play around with text, filters, or any other cool effects you can find.
  • Stand Tall: Stick to the vertical video, folks. We’re not turning our screens sideways for this.
  • Pump Up the Jams: Add some catchy tunes to groove to.
  • Get Experimental: Mix it up, try different stuff. No one likes seeing the same thing on repeat.
  • Light It Up: Make sure your video is easy on the eyes with good lighting and slick camera work.

Now, let’s talk about what’s a no-go:

  • The Blurry Blues: Keep the quality top-notch. Blurry or low-res videos won’t cut it.
  • Say No to Watermarks: Don’t sneak in watermarks from other apps (ahem, TikTok).
  • No Frames, Please: Avoid those annoying borders around your video.

And there you have it, the inside scoop on making your Facebook Reels shine in 2023! 

Best Practices for Working with Facebook’s Algorithm

We’ve got some tricks up our sleeve to help you hit it off with the Relevancy Score and get your stuff front and center in your audience’s Feeds. Most of these tips are no-brainers if you’re into the social content gig, but Facebook’s got its own little playbook.

So, here’s the down-to-earth scoop on how to keep your content in Facebook’s good books, based on our snooping, Facebook’s hints, and the wisdom dropped by Matt Navara and Paul Armstrong in their Facebook News Feed webinar.

Talk Their Talk

Your content needs to be like a trusty sidekick to your core audience – those awesome folks you’re trying to connect with. If your content clicks with a user, the Facebook algorithm gives you a thumbs-up and says, “Yep, that’s meaningful!” This is the secret sauce for climbing the ranks.

Your stories should be so darn captivating that people can’t resist hitting the share button and sending it to their buddies. And don’t forget to sprinkle in some useful info and eye-catching goodness. Oh, and accuracy is non-negotiable.

Whether you’re flaunting your products, dropping knowledge, or showing off that cool lifestyle, make sure it all lines up with the meaning and identity you’re aiming for with your brand. You’re the answer to your specific audience’s dreams, after all! 

Get Chatty And Make ‘Em Talk 

So, the deal here’s Facebook’s News Feed algorithm is all about pushing content that sparks good vibes and convos between your peeps and others.

No matter if you’re dropping knowledge bombs, flaunting your products, or serving up some entertainment, your goal is to stir up conversations. Remember, it’s a two-way street. You want your audience to throw in their two cents, and when they do, give ’em a high-five back.

The trick is to create content that makes people slam the brakes on their endless scroll, get talking, and hit that share button. Interaction is like the magic sauce that Facebook’s algorithm craves. So, make sure your content is a conversation starter.

Skip the Clickbait and Baiting Games 

You know those annoying “like if…” and “share if you are…” posts? Yeah, that’s what we call engagement baiting. It’s like trying to trick folks into taking action, and it’s a no-go.

Facebook’s algorithm doesn’t vibe with this stuff. It sees it as clickbait and slaps it on the wrist. So, forget about begging people to “pretty please comment, like, and share.” Your content should be so rad that it naturally gets folks chatting and clicking.

Remember, Facebook isn’t a fan of brands that beg for likes, shares, and comments on their organic and ad posts. So, keep this in mind when you’re cooking up content for Instagram and Facebook. 

Supercharge Your Posts with Help from Your Work Crew

Facebook’s algorithm is all about giving high-fives to posts from your buddies, family, and the pages you chat with. So, your company’s Facebook page might feel a bit like a lonely island, with limited reach. But no worries, here’s the secret sauce – getting your squad, your employees, and those brand cheerleaders to step in and help.

Your widest audience is on Facebook, but to grab ’em, you gotta start in your own backyard. Ask your work buddies to share your brand’s cool stuff with their own peeps. This turbocharges your post’s reach and makes your brand go, “Boom!”

Get in the game by directly chatting with the folks who already dig your brand and ask them to spread the word with their friends and family. It’s like a domino effect, but way cooler.

Give Your Winning Content a Little Boost

Facebook’s new algorithm is all about giving a high-five to content that’s rocking the charts on its own. So, if you’ve got posts that are already hitting it big without any ad dollars, it’s time to crank it up a notch.

Invest some ad dollars into these champs, and you’ll watch the magic happen. Strong organic performance means lower costs per click (CPCs). Mix in those ad dollars, and it’s like a snowball effect for your content.

Here’s the trick: keep an eye out for posts that are crushing it organically and put ’em in the spotlight using Facebook Ads Manager tools.

But hold up, don’t throw your cash at content that’s snoozing. It’ll just eat up your money and leave you with a whole lot of nothing. So, focus your ad dollars on the champs, and watch your brand shine.

Create Compelling, Original Video Content

How to rock it on Facebook with some cool video content. It all started back in 2019 when Facebook went all-in on videos, and guess what? They’re still at it! These days, Facebook’s got all sorts of video flavors – Reels, Stories, Video on Demand, and Live video. Reels, in particular, are like the Usain Bolt of content on Facebook – the fastest growing format around.

Now, here’s the scoop: video is the superstar of all social media. So, if you’re all about Facebook, video should be your main squeeze. To get your video game strong, Facebook’s got a few pro tips. Your videos need to be original, grab attention, spark some buzz, and make folks want more from you.

To keep things real and rock original Reels, Stories, and full-length videos, stick to your brand’s vibe and don’t do copy-paste jobs. If you want people to stick around, make sure your stuff is easy to digest on a phone (think short and sweet). And if you’re going for engagement, get folks chatting and interacting – just don’t be all obvious about it.

Make ‘Em Feel Something With Your Stories

So, your Facebook game isn’t just about videos. It’s also about telling stories that grab attention and stir emotions. Your posts need to be original, exciting, and oh-so-captivating. Find the stories that your peeps connect with and give ’em the juiced-up version.

You can build a bond with your crowd by keeping it real, chatting it up with them, and always serving the truth. But the magic trick is to listen. Ask for their two cents, dig into what they love, and snoop around to see what they’re into on other platforms. When you’re tuned into your audience’s vibe, you’re all set to inspire them and make it to the top of their Feeds. 

Timing Is Everything, Almost

So, the Facebook Feed isn’t all about time anymore, but don’t sleep on the clock completely. When you post your stuff still matters. Most folks tend to get chatty in the evening or overnight, but there’s no one-size-fits-all here. It’s like a mystery – you gotta understand your audience and when they’re hanging out on the platform. That’s the real deal when it comes to the perfect timing.

Keeping It Real On Facebook

So, Facebook’s got a thing for “authentic stories.” They’re like the golden ticket to winning hearts. And in a world full of “fake news” and all sorts of funny business, Facebook’s like, “Let’s keep it real.”

To make sure your content shouts “genuine and accurate,” give it clear, no-nonsense headlines. Don’t go overboard with exaggeration or sensational stuff. Stick to reliable info, and don’t hit that share button unless you’re sure the source is legit. And, for the love of all things honest, don’t cook up lies or try to fool people with your content. Keep it real, my friends!

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